People Who Take Care of Us
Teachers help us learn new things. There are many different types of teachers in communities. There are teachers for adults and for kids. I think teachers like to be leaders. There are teachers who teach people how to read and write, but there are teachers who show us how to dance and swim.
Doctors take care of us when we get sick or hurt. They also help us not to get sick or hurt by teaching us ways to take care of our bodies. Doctors help in so many ways. They help at the birth of a baby, they give us casts when we break a bone, they know which medicines to give us when we get sick, and a lot more. I think that doctors are mean sometimes because they give kids shots.
Police Officers
Police Officers help keep us safe. They make sure that people follow the law (the rules a community has). They watch to make sure that people drive safely. Some police officers work near stores or malls, some work in jails, and some work in the country. I feel like police are mean and scary, but some are nice too.
Garbage Men
Garbage men keep us safe and healthy by taking away our trash. If all the garbage we created stayed at our house we would get sick and it would be very stinky. I think this would be a horrible job. Garbage men come by everyone's homes and they pick up the trash and take it to another place to dump it.